As winter settles in, fleet managers are gearing up to face the challenges that come with colder temperatures, icy roads and snow-covered landscapes. One crucial aspect of winter fleet maintenance that should not be overlooked is ensuring proper fluid and oil levels to keep your vehicles running smoothly.

Engine Oil: The Lifeblood of Your Fleet

In colder temperatures, engine oil becomes thicker, potentially affecting its ability to flow smoothly and provide adequate lubrication. Choosing the right winter-grade engine oil is essential for maintaining optimal engine performance. Ultimate Fleet Repair’s technicians can help you select the appropriate viscosity to ensure your fleet’s engines are well-protected.

Antifreeze/Coolant: Guarding Against Temperatures

One of the most critical fluids for winter is antifreeze. This plays a significant role in preventing your engine and other components from freezing in cold weather. Our team can conduct thorough checks to ensure they are well-prepared to withstand whatever weather comes our way.

Brake Fluid: Ensuring Responsive Braking

Winter road conditions can be unpredictable, making responsive brakes a necessity. Brake fluid, responsible for transmitting force from the brake pedal to the brake components, must be in optimal condition. Ultimate Fleet Repair is here to check and maintain your fleet’s brake fluid, ensuring your vehicles can stop safely and reliably in any condition.

Choose Ultimate Fleet for Your Winter Fleet Maintenance

Oil and fluids in the winter months are the unsung heroes. By choosing the right options and ensuring proper levels, you can enhance your vehicles’ performance, safety and longevity.

Ultimate Fleet Repair is here to partner with you in navigating seasonal challenges, offering expert advice and comprehensive services to keep your vehicles on the road. Don’t let winter catch your fleet unprepared – contact us today to schedule a thorough inspection and maintenance for your fleet’s fluids and oils.